
BOOK REVIEW: Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez

 1 min | By Karen David
 | Book review | Aug 23rd 2019

If you’ve ever wondered why the effects of a prescribed drug were stronger than the doctor promised, why you can’t reach the top shelf in a supermarket, or why you have to take a day off work for a hospital appointment, just to allow for public transport travelling time, then the chances are you’re a woman.

go deeper

Caroline Criado Perez explores in forensic detail why it is that women so often get a bum steer in life. Each chapter is a revelation for women who have always thought there might be a gremlin in the system, or it’s their fault that things have turned out badly, or it’s just a fact of life, the way their bodies are made.

Why should this matter? Well, anyone who doesn’t fit into the ‘white male default’ on which so many decisions are based is ignored, whether they’re left handed, Asian, autistic, short or tall.

But the obvious point is that women are half of humanity. They guide, influence and provide support in every part of our lives. Pretending they’re not there when we design our cities, drugs, justice systems or how we handle climate change, can only mean we’ll all suffer from bad outcomes in the end.

Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez is published by Chatto & Windus. RRP Hardback £16.99, Paperback £8.99.

About the Author

Karen David

Karen has a long career in writing and communications in technology, finance and creative sectors in Oxfordshire, the UK and internationally.

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